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I presented my work to my peers and tutors, explaining the journey and process that led me to create my final piece.
I was quite overwhelmed and extremely satisfied that my peers seemed to understand my line of reasoning, context and final work.
I received praise and also some really intriguing ideas that I will use going forward into my next project.
The word immaculate was used to describe my work, which is such a huge compliment to me as I strive for perfection and precision in all my work, sometimes to my detriment. However, this time it seems to have paid off, as the work and artists I have discovered during this journey is all made to a very high, immaculate, standard. I felt I was able to talk about my work with conviction and the context of my extensive research.
Some ideas were -
To take my work out on to the streets and photograph it in settings synonymous with 'Rock Bottom' - I am really intrigued by this idea as it takes the sign into a contextual background rather than a flat gallery wall.
To further investigate and experiment making British road signs, as apposed to the heavy American influences
To continue this theme in my next project and create larger and more signage
These are all fantastic ideas that I will take forward into my next project.
Once my final piece was mounted, it was time to remove the tiny plastic tabs to activate the bulbs. I decided to film this process.
Before lighting - After lighting
I believe that the bulbs make a huge difference to the piece, bringing it in line with the mid-century signage I have been researching. These are always lit in some way, usually containing neon tubing and some surrounding bulbs.
I am overall really pleased with my final piece. It feels like a vision that I had in my mind has come to life.
The artist and the art - The space containing my final piece and experimentation that led to me to my final resolution.
I curated my space with my experimentation on the left and final piece on the right. This tells a visual story as a journey through experiment to a resolved 'destination' as my final work.
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