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Updated: Jan 28, 2024

This particular artwork by Christopher Wool inspired me. I really appreciate the blatant, brash nature of the statement. To me, it shows a person at the end of their tether, at a crossroads in life.

"The quotation is from the 1979 Francis Ford Coppola movie Apocalypse Now, where it is written in a letter mailed home by a character who has lost his mind in the jungle."

This piece last sold for £27 million +

Apocalypse Now , Christopher Wool - 1988

My House, Christopher Wool - 2000

I admire the simplicity of the stencil typography, with these hard hitting words. There is no holding back, which breaks the rules of being nuanced in art-work. It says whatever it wants to say. I intend to do the same with my work, although my style is different, I hope to deliver words and messages that speak deeply to the viewer.


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