Eike Konig is a German artist who creates strong typographic work, heavily influenced by consumerism, popular culture and post-modernism.
His work 'Wool' appropriates the strong style of Christopher Wool, and is tufted from actual wool. It is quintessentially Post-Modern. Using the style of another artist to create a new piece of artwork that not only uses his signature type, but also his name. It is simulacra in a nutshell.
"According to Baudrillard, the simulacrum becomes more important than the original, rendering the original irrelevant."
Post modernism is based on the notion that nothing new can be created - we have consumed so much. Nothing we create exists in a vacuum therefore it is impossible to not be influenced by everything around you, rendering nothing truly original. This is especially prevalent in society today as our addiction to social media means we are constantly consuming, and fast. So fast that it is almost impossible to determine whether any idea is truly unique.
My own work takes inspiration and influences from many sources, so although I believe my work to be original, it has clear and strong direction from numerous art and culture.