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Updated: Feb 4, 2024

Mid-Century Modern is a movement of design, art, furniture.


Googie was an architecture and design era defined by its futuristic style and bright colours

Examples of Googie style in the 50's and 60's in USA

This style represented the need to push forward with new design ideas, rooted in futuristic 'space' style.

There are several iconic signs all over the USA. I found a website that shows the signs by state, there are hundreds. This Vintage Americana style seems to have had a resurgence recently.

Laundrette sign, Yuma, Arizona, USA

This laundrette sign is very stylized with the bright pastel colours, shapes and neon. Arizona seems to be largely populated by these Mid-Century Modern signs being redesigned and refurbished in the same style.

Vintage signs, Arizona, USA

I found these signs on an Etsy called Atomic Avocado Design, which is based in Arizona, USA. The signs have a Mid-Century Modern aesthetic and are laser cut from brightly coloured acrylic. I love the iconic starburst motif, which is reminiscent of the Las Vegas sign. These are best-sellers, which makes me even more keen to purchase my own laser, to create work of this standard making custom signs.

Custom Signs, Atomic Avocado Design, Arizona, USA


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