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Forsaken became my chosen word. I think it is a beautiful word, with a deep and morose meaning.


  • deserted; abandoned; forlorn

  • First recorded in 1275–1325

  • to quit or leave entirely; abandon; desert:

past participle of Forsake 

  • to give up or renounce (a habit, way of life, etc.).

  • First recorded before 900; Middle English forsaken “to deny, reject,” Old English forsacan, equivalent to for- prefix meaning “away, off” + sacan “to dispute”;

This example sentence from also seemed serendipitous to me, especially due to my interest in Americana , vintage signage and neon.

The word is poignant to me, having suffered my own issues around abandonment and loss throughout a lot of my life. I am compelled to use autobiographical subject matter in my work, especially during a difficult time having recently lost a close family member. Everything else feels far too surface level, disingenuous, and frankly a waste of time. I have a rare opportunity to create whatever I want so it feels fitting to express the deepest parts of myself, whilst still staying true to my humorous and colourful personality.


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