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This project was created in memory of my wonderful Uncle Peter who passed away at the beginning of this year. He leaves a beloved family behind, broken hearted. He was the coolest, most stylish, handsome, kind man and an amazing Dad. He travelled all over the world with his love of graffiti. I always looked up to him as a kid and admired his work ethic and sense of adventure. In creating this project, it was impossible not to focus on the feeling of loss and grief, as it is all encompassing. We grieve for ourselves, for our family. Anything other subject seems too insignificant.

I considered creating a piece about him, but I knew that this would be too painful. Even this simple digital piece bought me to tears. Instead, I chose to add nods to him via one of his greatest passions, graffiti.

Peter James McCann

04.12.79 - 28.02.24


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