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Marquee letters are fabricated letters made mainly from metal, featuring distinct hollywood bulb lighting to illuminate the letter. They can be made in all different shapes and sizes and are often made to look rusty and unkempt, to replicate their vintage roots.

"The history of marquee letters can be traced back to the early 20th century, when theaters and cinemas began to use illuminated signs to promote their shows. These signs were often made from metal or glass and featured large, bold letters that could be seen from a distance."

I was inspired by the fabrication of Marquee letters. Since they are quite expensive to buy, I found so much online on how to make them, determined to have the handmade aspect in my work. It was via these YouTube videos that I learnt how to make my own fabricated letters, using the same method but in reverse so they letters look whole rather than sunken in with protruding sides.

A really detailed video into marquee lettering from Maker Decor

Another in depth video from Basemeant WRX


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